Saint Kitts and Nevis officially known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, is an island country in the West Indies. Located in the Leeward Islands chain of the Lesser Antilles, it is the smallest sovereign state in the Western Hemisphere, in both area and population. The country is a Commonwealth realm, with Elizabeth II as Queen and head of state. It is the only federation in the Caribbean
Total Area: 261 km2 (101 sq mi)
Capital: Basseterre
Country Code: +1 869
Country Population: 52,442
Credit Cards: American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa
Currency: East Caribbean dollar (XCD)
Departure Tax: The government imposes a 9% tax on rooms and meals, plus another $22 airport departure tax. (You don’t pay the departure tax when you travel between St. Kitts and Nevis.)
Drives on the: Left
Electricity: Kitts and Nevis operates on a 230V supply voltage, which is within the 110-240V range that the dual voltage appliance operates on.
Ethnic Groups: 92.5% African, 3% Multiracial, 2.1% European, 1.5% Indian, 0.6% Other, 0.3% Unspecified
Location: North America
Official Language(s): English
Religion: 87.6% Christianity, 8.7% No religion, 1.8% Hinduism, 1.9% Others
Time Zone: GMT -4
Tipping: Tipping in St Kitts and Nevis Islands is discretionary and should reflect the service you have received, however, tipping around 10 – 15% is recommended. … Banks and ATMs, that only dispense EC dollars, are located on both St. Kitts and Nevis, and can be easily spotted at the airports and local banks.
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